MrBeanTroll Forgot How To Make Websites So Here's Some Art

February 2023 Pixel Art Animations

The Task

My partner and I have an ongoing art project where she picks a prompt and we both work on it without reference. She works in watercolor and I work in pixel art using Aseprite.

I am limiting myself to an NES color pallete or less and every piece must animate (with one exception so far, Pyramids). I have no idea what I'm doing.

The Art

Fireplace - 2023-02-28

Alarm Clock - 2023-02-27

Frog - 2023-02-26

Pyramids - 2023-02-25

View Out A Window - 2023-02-24

Thunderstorm - 2023-02-23

Earthworm - 2023-02-22

Loch Ness Monster - 2023-02-20

Ice Cream Cone - 2023-02-19

Yo-yo - 2023-02-18

Octopus - 2023-02-17

Hourglass - 2023-02-16

Snake Scales - 2023-02-15

Zipper - 2023-02-14

Hot dog - 2023-02-13

Cabin - 2023-02-12

Turtle - 2023-02-11

Space - 2023-02-10

Cactus - 2023-02-09

Starfish - 2023-02-08

Raincoat - 2023-02-07

Sailboat - 2023-02-06